Question écrite de
Commission européenne
Subject: 2014-2020 Calabria ROP - integrated territorial development: disadvantaged non-urban areas
Under the 2014-2020 Calabria ROP the strategy for disadvantaged non-urban areas will be pursued on the basis of participation in the national strategy for disadvantaged non-urban areas (SNAI) and by implementing a specific regional strategy already approved under Regional Executive Decision No 490 of 27 November 2015.
By means of that strategy the regional authorities intend to support the areas concerned by taking measures to improve essential services, promote economic development, and capitalise on the existing potential.
Under the implementing procedure a regional-level integrated territorial investment instrument (ITI) has to be set up for disadvantaged non-urban areas. This will encompass the ten ITIs for the areas already designated for such assistance.
Bearing in mind the economic and social importance of the strategy for disadvantaged non-urban areas, the regional authorities have earmarked EUR 200 million to be financed under the ERDF, the ESF, and the EAFRD.
1. Which of the ten area ITIs have been launched, and how much has already been spent?
2. Has Calabria Region set up a dedicated agency to ensure that the operations are implemented effectively?
3. Does the Commission know whether there is any detailed schedule for implementing the strategy for disadvantaged non-urban areas in Calabria Region?
Answer given by Ms Creţu on behalf of the Commission
(6 June 2018)
The preparation of territorial agreements in Italy (under the form of integrated territorial investment instrument) for the implementation of national and regional strategies for the development of internal areas has experienced some delays.
In particular, in Calabria, to date, no territorial agreement has been signed and, as a consequence, no money has been spent on the regional and national strategies for internal areas under the Calabria regional operational programme (ROP) European Social Fund — European Regional Development Funds 2014-2020.
According to the information provided by the managing authority, the Calabria regional government decided not to create a new body under the form of a ‘dedicated agency’. Instead, with Regional Council Resolution n° 541/2015, a new organisation of the regional council administration was set up and an operational unit named ‘Urban Agenda Coordination’ was created within the department of national and EU programming. Following the award of the tendering procedure concerning the ROP 2014-2020 programme's technical assistance, a working group led by the managing authority on territorial strategies was set up.
At the Monitoring Committee of 2 February 2018, the managing authority presented a planning for the finalisation of the prepatory phase of territorial agreements as well as the future implementation phase. The Commission is closely following compliance with this planning and will be able to verify the state of play at the next Monitoring Committee scheduled in July 2018.