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Artificial intelligence funding under the European Defence Fund

Question écrite de Mme Sandra PEREIRA - Commission européenne

Question de Mme Sandra PEREIRA,

Diffusée le 4 février 2021

Subject: Artificial intelligence funding under the European Defence Fund

The European Defence Fund (EDF) is a key element in implementing the EU Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy on security and defence, particularly with regard to the EU-NATO Joint Declaration signed in Warsaw in July 2016.

Under the EU budget for 2021-2027, EUR 4.1 billion of the EUR 13 billion for the new EDF has been set aside for direct funding of research projects, including through grants. Beyond the research phase, EUR 8.9 billion will be provided, topping up investment from Member States, to co-finance the development of prototypes and subsequent certification and testing activities..

1. How much EDF funding will be allocated to research into and the development of artificial intelligence technologies?

2. What kind of artificial intelligence applications does the Commission expect to be developed?

3. Will research into and development of artificial intelligence technologies be allowed to compromise the privacy, security and physical integrity of citizens, or even inflict death in the case of civil or military applications?

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 10 mai 2021

Answer given by Mr Breton on behalf of the European Commission

(11 May 2021)

Under the new Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, EUR 2.6 billion of the EUR 7.9 billion for the European Defence Fund (EDF) is reserved for funding of defence research projects. The EDF does not provide for a fixed allocation of budget per technological domain. The annual work programmes will provide topics and categories of actions to be supported by the Fund in a given year, including call topics that invite Research and Development (R&D) projects on Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled technologies or systems.

AI is a technological enabler for defence products and technologies, enabling faster information and decision-making, improved logistics, and increased operational efficiency. It can also enable solutions for better protection of soldiers when performing risky tasks. Developed defence products and technologies will be consistent with defence capability priorities agreed by Member States, through the Capability Development Plan. Actions for the development of lethal autonomous weapons without the possibility for meaningful human control over the selection and engagement decisions when carrying out strikes against humans are not eligible for funding under EDF.

R&D actions that receive EDF funding shall comply with international, Union and national law and ethical principles reflected therein, including on privacy, security and physical integrity of citizens. The EDF Regulation stipulates that the Commission will implement a procedure for ethical screening of proposals and assess proposals that raise possible ethical issues with the support of independent experts. Actions not ethically acceptable, will be rejected. The Commission will also monitor compliance with ethical aspects of the funded projects.

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