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Artificial Intelligence within the European Defence Fund

Question écrite de M. Bogdan Andrzej ZDROJEWSKI - Commission européenne

Question de M. Bogdan Andrzej ZDROJEWSKI,

Diffusée le 24 octobre 2018

Subject: Artificial Intelligence within the European Defence Fund

The more and more frequent use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a question of the future, but is the present reality. The biggest online companies create applications based on AI, which means we use this technology without even being aware of it.

Researchers, IT specialists and security and defence professionals devote more and more time and effort to AI. It is no longer a secret that some countries are already carrying out advance work on using artificial intelligence to control drones or air defence systems. As the European Parliament, we have voted in favour of restricting the development of weapons that can decide about human life on their own. However, there are enormous opportunities for using AI for security purposes in the broad sense of the term, such as for emergency monitoring or warning systems. Such actions should be supported, especially in view of the potential positive impact on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

In the light of the above, can the Commission say if it is going to allocate some funds from the European Defence Fund, within the next multiannual financial framework, to research and implement defence technologies that use artificial intelligence?

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 15 janvier 2019

Answer given by Ms Bieńkowska on behalf of the European Commission (16 January 2019)

The general objective of the European Defence Fund (1) is to foster competitiveness, efficiency and innovation of the European defence industry and not to fund the production of armaments. The proposed Fund’s budget of EUR 13 billion aims at meeting that objective. Up to 5% of the total budget shall be devoted to actions related to disruptive technologies for defence.

Artificial intelligence is seen as an important area of innovation and disruption and could therefore be considered as a topic of the research and development to be funded.

It is important that the European Defence Fund supports those technological developments in order for the EU not to lose the innovation race in artificial intelligence which is going on at the global level. It should be noted that the Commission proposal envisages that Member States assist the Commission in selecting the topics or domains to be funded.

Ethical and legal implications of the use of artificial intelligence are also being examined by the Commission. T he Commission proposal foresees that actions for the development of products and technologies the use, development or production of which is prohibited by applicable international law, are not eligible.

⋅1∙ Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Defence Fund, COM(2018)0476 final. | | ( | | )

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