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Automation and the threat to jobs

Question écrite de - Commission européenne

Question de ,

Diffusée le 13 février 2018

Subject: Automation and the threat to jobs

Technological progress in the field of machine learning, industrial robotics and artificial intelligence is generating increasing demand for new jobs, while at the same time it is jeopardising jobs in low-wage and low-skilled sectors in particular. A report drawn up by McKinsey Global Institute estimates that, at world level, tens of millions of jobs could be lost to automation. At European Union level, estimates point to a net loss of around 5.1 million jobs across 15 sectors of the economy by 2020. Examples cited include the car and textiles industry along with postal services and transport. The number of unemployed people in the Member States will rise unless joint strategies are put in place to give workers the skills they need to adapt to these changes.

1. What practical steps will the Commission take with the aim of limiting job losses as a result of new technologies?

2. Is the Commission considering carrying out a programme at European level with the aim of developing skills and/or retraining workers to enable them to cope with the new changes in technology?

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 13 mai 2018

Answer given by Ms Thyssen on behalf of the Commission

(14 May 2018)

The Commission is committed to promoting dynamic and inclusive labour markets, including by enabling workers to seize opportunities due to new technologies. Workers should be entitled to receive support for job search, training, and requalification as stated in the European Pillar of Social Rights.

The Commission is providing financial support through the European Social Fund to strengthen active labour market policies at Member State level. The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund provides assistance to workers facing restructuring too.

The New Skills Agenda for Europe (2016) (1) encourages Member States to equip people with the new skills needed to adapt to labour market needs and to fast technological change.

As digital skills will be required for nearly all jobs, the New Skills Agenda gives priority to digital skills at all levels, from basic to high- end, through the Upskilling Pathways initiative (2) and the Digital Skills and Jobs coalition (3). The Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (4) is a new strategic approach mobilising key stakeholders to implement new demand driven sectoral skills strategies.

As part of its vision of a European Education Area (5), the Commission launched the Digital Education Action Plan (6) for better use of digital technology in teaching and learning and for developing digital competences and skills. Finally, the Commission proposed in January 2018 a revision of the Key Competences Framework for Lifelong learning, which outlines competences and skills needed for the 21st century, including with regard to the digital transformation.





⋅5∙ COM(2017) 673 final of 14.11.2017


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