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Budget Amendment 6 – COVAX

Question écrite de Mme Joanna KOPCIŃSKA - Commission européenne

Question de Mme Joanna KOPCIŃSKA,

Diffusée le 13 octobre 2021

Subject: Budget Amendment 6 – COVAX

In its Communication of 11 October 2021, the Commission proposed an amendment to the 2021 EU budget to make it possible to pay for 200 million doses of coronavirus vaccine to be given to developing countries. According to the plans, the Commission would allocate an additional EUR 450 million to reach the sum of EUR 1.3 billion needed to finance the 500 million doses it pledged at the vaccines summit in September. The vaccines will be supplied to the COVAX global access scheme and distributed to countries where they are needed. In its Communication, the Commission points out that no further additional payments will be needed in 2021 to finance these actions. The full amount needed to finance vaccines and the Union Civil Protection Mechanism will be funded through existing instruments (NDICI-GE and the Emergency Support Instrument) or by redirecting payments originally earmarked for other programmes.

On the basis of what available data does the Commission consider that payment appropriations can be offset by reductions in the ‘Rural Development Interventions – 2014-2022 programmes’ under the EAFRD, and to what extent will this reduction – the surplus identified is EUR 617 million – remain unchanged following final receipt of expenditure declarations and analysis of the Member State forecasts submitted after August this year?

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 9 décembre 2021

Answer given by Mr Hahn on behalf of the European Commission

(10 December 2021)

The Commission analysed carefully the needs and availabilities of payment appropriations of all programmes, including the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), in early September 2021. That analysis revealed that in contrast to previous years, in which the EAFRD was reinforced in payment appropriations towards the end of the year, the payment appropriations in 2021 exceeded the estimated needs of rural development by the end of the year by EUR 617 million. This amount was calculated taking into account the latest forecasts submitted by Member States in August 2021 considering the payment claims for the third quarter of 2021, which is the last quarter to be paid under budget 2021.

This surplus of appropriations, used to partly finance the reinforcements proposed in the Draft Amending Budget 6/2021 for the additional doses of vaccine for COVID-19 as well as for the additional needs for cohesion policy in the ‘Global Transfer’ (DEC 20/2021), can be explained by two factors:

1. The late adoption of Rural Development Programmes modifications to extend them to 2021 and 2022 under the common agricultural policy Transitional Regulation (1). As a result, payment claims against the 2021 commitments are much lower than expected.

2. The low uptake of the COVID-19 exceptional lump-sum payments under the EAFRD (Measure 21). Only 14 Member States have used this measure and very few of them reached the 2% ceiling of the Member State’s EAFRD allocation.

⋅1∙ https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32020R2220 | | ( | | )

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