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Data on people with disabilities in the EU

Question écrite de Mme Chiara GEMMA - Commission européenne

Subject: Data on people with disabilities in the EU

During the pandemic, EU national agencies, hospitals and the European Centre for Disease Prevention showed that they have the capacity and expertise to provide a real-time overview of COVID-19 patients.

However, EUROSTAT’s data on persons with disabilities has considerable gaps. It lacks information regarding their categorisation disaggregated by type of disability or whether they have multiple disabilities. We also lack data on children with disabilities under the age of 16. Furthermore, EUROSTAT does not provide data on people residing in institutions.

The lack of disaggregated data is hindering the informed institutional decision-making process shaping effective policies, as well as the private sector’s decisions to focus their research and development on goods and services that meet people’s needs.

1. If this is compatible with the General Data Protection Regulation, to what extent does the Commission support the establishment of a real-time registry of the number of people with different conditions and disabilities at EU level per Member State and, perhaps, per region?

2. What does the Commission propose to do to ensure that Eurostat and Member State national statistics offices gather disaggregated data on persons with disabilities, and would they consider promoting the use of the Washington Group short set of questions in surveys?

3. Is the Commission committed to ensuring the collection of data about people living in institutional care?

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 14 mars 2021

Answer given by Mr Gentiloni on behalf of the European Commission

(15 March 2021)

The Commission will continue to build a Union of Equality. A new Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 will be adopted in the first quarter 2021. This new strategy will build on the progress achieved and the challenges identified in the evaluation of the previous Strategy (1).

Specifically on data availability, the Commission (Eurostat) together with the European Statistical System (ESS) acknowledge the need to make progress. The implementation of Regulation 2019/1700 will substantially improve statistics on people with disabilities:

— The collection of disaggregated data on disabilities to measure the gap between persons with and without disabilities will be extended to all EU social surveys, covering employment, education, poverty and social exclusion, living conditions, consumption, health, use of communication technologies and time use.

— Type of disability is collected every 6 years in the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS). The 2019 data will be disseminated in the first half of 2021. Next round will also possibly cover barriers to participation in life domains (2). From 2022 onwards, the EU Statistics on Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) will include the 6 Washington City Group questions every 3 years. In addition, from 2021, data on disabled children will be collected in EU-SILC every 3 years and possibly in EHIS from 20252.

— Concerning people living in institutions, Eurostat and the ESS will explore possibilities to extend the coverage of EHIS to those persons.

Finally, the European System of integrated Social PROtection Statistics (ESSPROS) collects data on the number of disabled persons receiving a disability pension, as well as the total expenditure on disability in the EU (Regulation (EC) No 458/2007 (3)).

⋅1∙ The evaluation of the 2010-2020 strategy released last November: https://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=23191&langId=en

⋅2∙ Some Member States tested questions on barriers to participation and children disability in the 2019 EHIS round. A final decision for their future regular inclusion in

EHIS will be taken based on the analysis of the results from the tests.

⋅3∙ Regulation (EC) No 458/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 April 2007on the European system of integrated social protection statistics

(ESSPROS) https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32007R0458&from=EN

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