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Deinstitutionalising disabled people

Question écrite de M. Theodoros ZAGORAKIS - Commission européenne

Question de M. Theodoros ZAGORAKIS,

Diffusée le 12 février 2019

Subject: Deinstitutionalising disabled people

The transition from institutional to community-based care is one of the key pillars of the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020.

In this respect, the Commission has called on all Member States to support specific targeted activities in order to promote transition from residential/institutional care to family/community-based care.

In fact, in line with the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) thematic guidance issued by the European Commission in tackling discrimination/disabilities, measures that may result in the further institutionalisation of children, including building or renovating long-stay residential institutions, should be excluded from financial support.

Can the Commission say:

Does it have qualitative and quantitative data on the implementation of actions related to deinstitutionalisation in Europe?

To what extent have Member States complied with the European Disability Strategy guidance?

In the case of severe disabilities, what does it propose as a recommended model for support services?

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 14 avril 2019

Answer given by Ms Thyssen on behalf of the European Commission

(15 April 2019)

The European Disability Strategy promotes the ‘transition from institutional to community based care’ for the EU. To that end, Member States are benefiting from the European structural and investment Funds and are progressively implementing the national strategies that they have developed to achieve that transition.

There are some constraints in terms of availability of the data related to deinstitutionalisation. The EU statistics on income and living conditions do not cover people living in institutions. However, the Eurofound 4th Quality of Life Survey (1) includes the assessment of quality of home nursing, help and personal care, residential care, and nursing homes.

In addition, the Commission has contracted a study on the implementation of deinstitutionalisation in Member States, which is currently under preparation.

Member States remain responsible for the design of social services including the support services for persons with severe disabilities.

The EU has no authority to interfere in this field and as such does not provide any models for support services including for people with severe disabilities.

However, EU countries are encouraged to agree on common long-term care indicators. As a result, the Social Protection Committee issued a Voluntary European Framework for Quality Social Services (2), which proposes 13 quality principles these services should fulfil.

The Commission continues to promote cooperation between EU countries through, for example, the Social Investment Package, or the European Pillar of Social Rights which affirms the right to long-term care services for those reliant on it.

⋅1∙ https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/surveys/european-quality-of-life-surveys/european-quality-of-life-survey-2016

⋅2∙ https://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=6140&langId=en

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