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Demographic trends - the biggest problem facing all of Europe

Question écrite de M. Emmanouil KEFALOGIANNIS - Commission européenne

Question de M. Emmanouil KEFALOGIANNIS,

Diffusée le 30 novembre 2022

Subject: Demographic trends - the biggest problem facing all of Europe

UN figures indicate that, while the total world population is now 8 billion, the EU population shrunk by some 300 000 in 2020, with the proportion of those over the age of 89 having almost doubled in recent years from 3.4% in 2001 to 5.9% now.

Demographic ageing is a long-term trend, with a rising percentage of the populace aged 65 and over, which will leave the EU with a smaller workforce (215 million) by 2060. This will be a major challenge for the insurance and pension systems and for the welfare state itself, as the economically inactive/active population ratio is projected to increase to 1.36 % by 2060. As a result, EU countries combining flagging birth rates, high life expectancy and low employment will have a bigger problem.

At the same time, women are deciding to have children later in life, the average childbearing age now being 29.4, up from 28.8 in 2013. The percentage of women becoming mothers aged over 40 has more than doubled.

In view of this:

Is the Commission envisaging a common European response to the progressive ageing of the European population, which is placing severe strain on social security funds and the welfare state, in a bid to resolve the demographic problem facing the European Union?

Submitted: 1.12.2022

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 30 janvier 2023

Answer given by Vice-President Šuica on behalf of the European Commission (31 January 2023)

Demography is a priority for this Commission, which has for the first time a Vice-President for Demography (and Democracy). While many of the relevant competences lie at national level, the EU and Member States have a shared interest in responding adequately to demographic change.

The Commission adopted the green paper on ageing in 2021 (1), launching a broad debate on how to respond to the demographic challenges and opportunities. Contributions to the public consultation on the green paper helped identify the measures needed to support to promote economic and social resilience in an ageing Europe (2).

The Commission supports Member States, including through funding, to address demographic challenges. For example, the action plan on the European Pillar of Social Rights (3) sets out various initiatives relevant to ageing.

The long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas (4) identifies demography as one of the most impactful drivers for the future of rural areas and puts forward initiatives to help revitalise them.

The Care Strategy (5), including the Council Recommendation on access to affordable, high-quality long-term car e (6), offers support to Member States in addressing the increased need for care services.

Many measures have also been taken to increase female labour market participation such as the Work Life Balance Directiv e (7), the Council Recommendation on Early Childhood, Education and Care (8) and the proposal for a Pay Transparency Directive (9).

1 ∙ ⸱ COM/2021/50 final.

2 ∙ ⸱

3 ∙ ⸱

4 ∙ ⸱

5 ∙ ⸱

6 ∙ ⸱

7 ∙ ⸱

8 ∙ ⸱

9 ∙ ⸱

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