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EU Emissions Trading System for road transport

Question écrite de M. Marian-Jean MARINESCU - Commission européenne

Question de M. Marian-Jean MARINESCU,

Diffusée le 27 septembre 2021

Subject: EU Emissions Trading System for road transport

Assuming that the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) for road transport, as proposed in the ‘Fit for 55’ package, is fully implemented:

1. What will be the additional cost per km for a passenger travelling in a car and the additional cost per km for goods transported on the road in 2030?

2. What will the be total cost of investment needed for the implementation of the ETS for road transport in 2030?

3. What will be the ratio of new jobs to lost jobs in 2030?

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 8 février 2022

Answer given by Executive Vice-President Timmermans on behalf of the European Commission (9 February 2022)

1. The additional cost due to the emissions trading in buildings and transport is estimated in the impact assessmen t (1) in terms of a rise in fuel costs: A carbon price of around EUR 48, as in the proposed policy mix, for 2030 would increase fuel prices by 11 cent/l (petrol) to 13 cent/l (fossil diesel). The increase would be lower for bio-mixed fuels. The impact per kilometre will depend on the type of vehicles on the market, their powertrain, and vehicle segment and use of bio-based fuel mixes. Stricter vehicle standards will help reduce costs for newer vehicles.

2. The Commission would refer the Honourable Member to its answer to Written Question E-004196/2021 on the administrative costs of implementing the new ETS. For oil, the registry costs are expected to be the same as for coal but other costs are expected to be somewhat lower.

3. The Impact Assessment of the Climate Target Plan gives an estimate for the employment impacts of the 55% target as a whole. The Commission has not assessed the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) in buildings and road transport separately, as the climate target is fixed, and an absence of the new ETS would require other measures. This result indicates that the impact on aggregate EU employment of the 55% target will be modest. One important factor for employment effects is how the ETS-revenues are recycled, through lump sum transfers, or to reduce labour taxation, or to support investment, with the latter options generating positive labour market outcomes.

⋅1∙ SWD(2021) 601 final | | ( | | )

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