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European Defence Fund

Question écrite de Mme Maria SPYRAKI - Commission européenne

Question de Mme Maria SPYRAKI,

Diffusée le 19 juillet 2018

Subject: European Defence Fund

The European Defence Fund is expected to boost European military and economic competitiveness by encouraging defence cooperation between the Member States, seeking to channel more research investment into the development of new technologies.

Taking into account existing possibilities and in view of the different points of departure for individual research programmes:

Can the Commission give further details regarding the criteria for determining the level of co-funding, with particular reference to contributions from own resources, as well as national ‘financial toolboxes’ for the acquisition of new equipment?

Can it say where it stands vis-à-vis the designated national authorities responsible for the management and preparation of the programmes?

Can it indicate whether research co-funding is intended to meet the cost of acquiring new technology for promoting further innovation?

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 7 octobre 2018

Answer given by Ms Bieńkowska on behalf of the European Commission (8 October 2018)

The European Defence Fund (EDF), as proposed by the Commission (1), does not envisage the provision of financial support for the acquisition of new equipment. As far as research is concerned, the EDF proposal foresees that the EDF may finance up to 100% of eligible costs. The Commission considers that collaborative research activities will have a significant impact through maximising innovation and paving the way for new defence products and technologies, including disruptive ones.

As regards development, the EDF proposal provides that the EDF may finance up to 20% of the eligible costs for the development of a prototype. The remaining costs shall be covered by other means of financing such as contributions of Member States. Most of the other development actions like testing, qualification or certification can be supported up to 80% of the eligible costs.

The proposal envisages that in case an action is managed by a project manager appointed by Member States or associated countries, the Commission should inform the project manager prior to executing the payment to the recipient so that the project manager can ensure that the time-frames are respected by the recipients.

⋅1∙ COM(2018) 476 final. | | ( | | )

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