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European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) - Status in December 2018

Question écrite de - Commission européenne

Question de ,

Diffusée le 18 février 2019

Subject: European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) - Status in December 2018

What is the situation regarding the implementation of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) for the 2014–2020 period for the Republic of Croatia as of the end of 2018 in absolute and relative terms?

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 18 mars 2019

Answer given by Mr Vella on behalf of the European Commission

(19 March 2019)

1. At the last Monitoring Committee of December 2018, the Managing Authority informed that by 10 December 2018 the commitment rate for projects selected under the Croatian Operational Programme for maritime affairs and fisheries (EMFF OP) was at about 48% of total allocations (some EUR 164 million) and the payments to beneficiaries at 20% (some EUR 67 million). Compared to the last update (May 2018), there is an increase of EUR 24 million for commitments and EUR 19 million for payments, respectively.

2. Until now, the Commission has paid in pre-financing and interim payments the amount of EUR 53.8 million (EU funds). No de-commitment, i.e. losses of funds, occurred in 2018.

3. Croatia is thus generally on track with its EMFF OP implementation. In order to fully mobilise the programme potential and support the objectives of the common fisheries policy, we are currently working with the Croatian authorities to activate all measures and to speed up the delivery of the local development strategies.

4. By 31 May 2019, the Croatian authorities will submit to the Commission the annual implementation report for 2018 containing quantitative and qualitative data. The Monitoring Committee provisionally scheduled for the end of May 2019 will also monitor the progress.

For more updated information on the implementation, the Commission would suggest to the Honourable Member to contact directly the Croatian Managing Authority (1).

⋅1∙ For the list of national authorities, please see https://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/sites/fisheries/files/docs/body/national_authorities.pdf | | ( | | )

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