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Gender‑disaggregated data on housing affordability and energy poverty

Question écrite de M. Dan-Ştefan MOTREANU - Commission européenne

Question de M. Dan-Ştefan MOTREANU,

Diffusée le 25 avril 2021

Subject: Gender‑disaggregated data on housing affordability and energy poverty

Women are at higher risk of energy poverty due to their longer life expectancy and lower pensions. This risk is shared by female‑led households with lower incomes. Women will be also at a higher risk of poverty and eviction if EU renovation wave strategy costs, including energy efficiency measures, are passed on to tenants. The Commission’s staff working documents concerning the EU renovation wave strategy and energy poverty do not include data and indicators incorporating the gender dimension.

Does the Commission plan to publish gender‑disaggregated data on housing affordability and energy poverty so that its related policies are better supported?

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 3 août 2021

Answer given by Ms Simson on behalf of the European Commission

(4 August 2021)

The EU response to energy poverty stems from the regulatory framework established by the Clean Energy for all Europeans package (1). In addition, the Commission adopted in 2020 a dedicated Recommendation (2) on energy poverty and has particularly prioritised tackling this issue in the Renovation Wave initiative. To further step up its work in ensuring protection of the vulnerable and energy poor, the Commission is putting forward the Fit for 55 package, including a proposal for establishing a climate social fund.

To specifically address the gender dimension of energy poverty, the newly set up Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (successor of the previous Observatory (3)) is committed to explore, clarify and facilitate action on gender issues in the context of the energy transition. The Advisory Hub will continue working closely with Eurostat and with its academic partners, Member State experts, as well as local authorities with the objective to consolidate existing data and make it publicly available in its indicator dashboard. As regards housing affordability, gender-disaggregated data is already published (4) regarding the housing cost overburden rate (5), which is a key indicator in this area. Underlying data for this indicator is collected at the household level, with single-person households reflecting particularly strong gender differences.

⋅1∙ Clean energy for all Europeans package | Energy (europa.eu).

⋅2∙ EUR-Lex — 32020H1563 — EN — EUR-Lex (europa.eu).

⋅3∙ EU Energy Poverty Observatory.

⋅4∙ Reference [TESSI160] (Housing cost overburden rate by sex — EU-SILC survey). Data is available at : Statistics | Eurostat (europa.eu).

⋅5∙ ‘Percentage of the population living in households where the total housing costs (“net” of housing allowances) represent more than 40% of disposable income (“net”

of housing allowances).’ (source: Eurostat).

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