Question écrite de
M. Nuno MELO
Commission européenne
Subject: Implementation of the MAR 2020 operational programme
The MAR 2020 operational programme is the vehicle through which the support measures available under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund are implemented in Portugal. Its strategic priorities are as follows:
Fostering innovation- and knowledge-based competitiveness;
Ensuring the social and environmental economic sustainability of the fisheries and aquaculture sector, contributing to the good environmental state of the marine environment and promoting the integrated maritime policy;
Contributing to the development of coastal areas, increasing employment and territorial cohesion and increasing the capacity and qualifications of professionals in the sector.
According to recent reports in the Portuguese media, as it stands, less than two years before the end of the programming period, MAR 2020 has an implementation rate of 17.4%.
What, in fact, is the implementation rate to date for the MAR 2020 operational programme in Portugal?
How does the Commission explain the marked disparity between the commitment rate and the implementation rate?
Bearing in mind that the programme will end in less than two years, what is the Commission’s explanation for the low implementation rate?
Answer given by Mr Vella on behalf of the European Commission
(26 March 2019)
The Commission is aware of delays in the implementation of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) in Portugal, due to the late adoption of the operational programme and the difficulties encountered in its start-up. The annual implementation report 2017, received by the Commission on 31 May 2018, shows 1 963 approved projects, and 41% of the financial allocation committed at the end of 2017.
Although informal information received from the Portuguese authorities in January 2019 points to an acceleration in implementation in 2018, progress made will formally be confirmed when the next Annual Implementation Report is submitted at the end of May 2019.
The disparity between the commitment rate and the payments to beneficiaries may be caused by, among others, the longer life cycle of some projects, in particular those dealing with fishing ports, aquaculture or the implementation of the Community-led local development strategies and fisheries local action groups.
On the other hand, it should be noted that the current EMFF programme will be running until the end of 2023, which provides for a smooth transition to the following programming period.