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Improving utilisation of ESIF

Question écrite de - Commission européenne

Question de ,

Diffusée le 4 mars 2019

Subject: Improving utilisation of ESIF

According to the Commission’s latest report on the state of play of net payments from the European Structural and Investment Funds of 31 January 2019, Croatia occupies the worst position in terms of its implementation rate, which amounts to 16% of available funds. Some other Member States have low implementation rates, primarily Malta with 21% and Italy with 22%.

Although ensuring the successful implementation of ESIF funds is mainly the responsibility of national governments, the failure to make use of the funds is a problem that affects the EU’s economy and social cohesion, creating unbalanced development in the EU.

What steps does the Commission plan to take to improve the implementation rate of ESIF funds in Member States that are facing the above-mentioned problem?

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 25 mars 2019

Answer given by Ms Creţu on behalf of the European Commission

(26 March 2019)

The rate of project selection under Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion (OPCC) increased from 11% end 2016 to 64% end 2018. This substantial increase in project selection is now being translated in implementation on the ground and generating expenditure. The level of payments is thus expected to substantially increase this year.

Additionally, the Commission works very closely with the Croatian authorities in charge of the implementation of the OPCC, within the framework of shared management, in order to improve and accelerate the level of implementation of the OPCC.

The Commission provides its assistance in the form of regular meetings and exchanges; peer-to-peer initiative for exchange of experience with other Member States; trainings (e.g. on public procurement, state aid) organised in Brussels or in the Member States; and Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions (JASPERS) advisory services for major/big projects, financed by the Commission’s technical assistance.

Furthermore, the Managing Authority of the OPCC is participating in the Commission pilot project ‘Frontloading administrative capacity building’. It benefits from tailored hands-on support, provided in close cooperation with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

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