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Misuse of resources allocated to the Marche Region as a solidarity contribution following the earthquake (ROP EDRF)

Question écrite de M. Dario TAMBURRANO - Commission européenne

Question de M. Dario TAMBURRANO, , M. Fabio Massimo CASTALDO,

Diffusée le 17 septembre 2018

Subject: Misuse of resources allocated to the Marche Region as a solidarity contribution following the earthquake (ROP EDRF)

In accordance with Council Regulation (EU) No 1311/2013, in 2016 the Commission re-examined the distribution of the MFF 2014-2020, allocating EUR 1.6 billion of extra resources to Italy through the ERDF, of which EUR 282 million were allocated to the Marche Region to provide support following the earthquake (EUR 124 million through the ERDF and an additional EUR 124 million of state co- funding).

Ruling No 1513 of 18 December 2017 by the Regional Council established the ‘Marche Region Development Pact’ approving the recovery strategy and directly appointing the Adriano Olivetti Institute (ISTAO) as technical secretariat solely on the basis of the ‘long and established experience of the Institute in analysing and interpreting development prospects’.

The ISTAO recently presented a project proposal of 94 joint initiatives (59% of which are private) which frequently concern regional areas which were not affected by the earthquake or which do not involve post-earthquake reconstruction.

Does the Commission believe that it should verify any misuse by the Region of funds intended for the reconstruction of areas struck by the earthquake, given that the updated text of the ROP ERDF specifies that the actions under the new priority axis must strictly comply with the requirements of the population affected by the earthquake in the damaged areas?

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 30 octobre 2018

Answer given by Ms Creţu on behalf of the European Commission

(31 October 2018)

Based on the information received from the Managing Authority of the 2014-20 Marche European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Regional Operational Programme, ISTAO presented a proposal for the revival of the Marche region. This proposal was made in accordance with the mandate received from the regional authorities and taking account of the relations between the area affected by the earthquake and the rest of the regional territory. As agreed with the Commission, the 2014-20 Marche ERDF Operational Programme will fund projects in the crater area. The Commission does not have any evidence of misuse of funds. However, it will continue monitoring the implementation of the projects, including on the occasion of the Monitoring Committee meetings.

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