Subject: Possibility of Cyprus becoming a European centre for research and innovation
As a small country, Cyprus is able to distinguish itself in certain economic sectors and is also reported as being at the top of the league in the EU regarding the percentage of university graduates. It has a very strong scientific potential and would be capable of obtaining impressive results with the proper research and innovation infrastructures.
Given that the government led by Nikos Anastasiades has recently set up a separate department for research, innovation and digital policy, the time is now ripe for the EU support to help usher in a new era for Cyprus in this field.
It is undoubtedly in a position to create what would surely become a modern, efficient and productive European regional research and innovation centre, redounding to its credit throughout Cyprus.
There are many advantages in locating such a centre in Cyprus, including its location, climate and scientific potential, ensuring far greater benefits for the EU.
In view of this:
1. Can the Commission say how this proposed initiative could be effectively implemented in Cyprus?
2. What can be done to promote Cyprus as a centre for research and innovation?
Answer given by Ms Gabriel on behalf of the European Commission
(7 May 2020)
Cyprus has a relatively new Research and Innovation (R&I) system, with its first university established in 1992. In the last years, the country has experienced a positive momentum, as evidenced by the recent creation of a new Department for Research and Innovation and the appointment of a new Deputy Minister for Research, Innovation and Digital Policy.
As part of Cyprus’ ambition, it has set itself, in the new ‘National Strategy for Research and Innovation, 2019-2023’, an ambitious target of raising its R&D intensity from the current 0.56% GDP to 1.5% GDP by 2023, demonstrating Cyprus’ engagement to become a reference centre for research and innovation.
The Commission encourages Cyprus to maintain this momentum and is ready to support the further development of the Cypriot R&I system. The Commission monitors Cyprus’ R&I performance in the context of the European Semester and proposes recommendations when appropriate. In addition, the Commission’s Policy Support Facility provides assistance to Cyprus to improve its R&I system through the ‘Optimal Utilisation of Publicly Funded Research Laboratories by the Business Community’ project.
Legal entities established in Cyprus have so far received EUR 230.3 million EU contribution from Horizon 2020. Cyprus also devotes EUR 70 million of its EUR 900 million allocation from the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds) to R&I.
In addition, Cyprus is one of the best performers under the Widening actions of Horizon 2020, especially for Teaming actions: Cyprus has obtained EUR 89,9 million EU contribution to support six Teaming Centres of Excellence, complemented with EUR 146,2 million from the ESI Funds, national and private sources.