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Protocols to the fisheries agreements with Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau

Question écrite de M. Francisco José MILLÁN MON - Commission européenne

Question de M. Francisco José MILLÁN MON,

Diffusée le 7 mars 2019

Subject: Protocols to the fisheries agreements with Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau

With reference to the answer given by Commissioner Vella on 31 January to my question on the new Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement with Cape Verde, can the Commission confirm that the Protocol does not provide for its application as soon as it is signed, as can be inferred from that answer? It is my understanding that, in contrast to this, the new Fisheries Protocol between the Union and Guinea-Bissau does provide for provisional application from the date of signature.

Can the European Commission confirm these assumptions?

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 5 mai 2019

Answer given by Mr Vella on behalf of the European Commission

(6 May 2019)

According to the Commission proposal adopted on 13 March 2019 (1), the new protocol on the implementation of the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the EU and Cabo Verde shall apply provisionally from the date of signature. Provisional application in this particular case is intended to minimise the length of the interruption of fishing activities of EU vessels in the area since December 2018.

The Commission has not yet adopted its proposal for a new implementing protocol to the Fishery Partnership Agreement between the EU and Guinea Bissau.

⋅1∙ COM(2019) 129. | | ( | | )

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