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Rights of people with disabilities in the response to the coronavirus crisis

Question écrite de Mme Cristina MAESTRE - Commission européenne

Question de Mme Cristina MAESTRE,

Diffusée le 5 avril 2020

Subject: Rights of people with disabilities in the response to the coronavirus crisis

The Commission has approved the mobilisation of EUR 37 billion to be used to finance measures such as boosting health systems and supporting SMEs and job programmes. However, no mention has been made of one of the most vulnerable groups in this crisis, people with disabilities. The Commission must protect this rights of this group and those of the professionals who care for them. Therefore, and bearing in mind that protection of the rights of people with disabilities has not been mentioned in the measures adopted:

Will the Commission take steps to ensure that its investment in response to the coronavirus serves to support social care providers and people with disabilities?

Will it set out specific common guidelines for all the Member States to ensure flexibility in the way EU funds are used and that they meet the real needs of people with disabilities and social services providers?

Will it promote prioritising personal protective equipment for professionals working in social services with people with disabilities?

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 5 août 2020

Answer given by Ms Dalli on behalf of the European Commission

(6 August 2020)

The Coronavirus Response Investment initiative introduces significant flexibility to allow Member States rapidly re-orienting their funds towards COVID-19-related measures.

As regards the European Social Fund (ESF) support to COVID-19 crisis, the actions taken by Member States aim to support the healthcare system by purchasing the necessary healthcare equipment, including protective material for healthcare workers, recruiting additional staff for more and extended healthcare services, communication and information to the public. The ESF can also help to promote employment, including for persons with disabilities.

The Commission provided Member States with a non-exhaustive list of examples of operations that could be relevant for ESF support in the context of addressing the immediate challenges to the healthcare systems, reduced employment, but also increased risk of social exclusion and fall within the scope of the ESF regulation (1).

The health and wellbeing of Europeans is the Commission’s main priority. It aims at strengthened income support and broad access to essential and social services for those in most vulnerable situations, including people with disabilities, in line with the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control recently published guidance on infection prevention and control in long- term care facilities (2). Guidance on surveillance is available (3) as well as a report on medically and socially vulnerable groups (4) .

⋅1∙ Under thematic objectives 8,9, 10 and 11

⋅2∙ https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/sites/default/files/documents/Infection-prevention-control-for-the-care-of-patients-with-2019-


⋅3∙ https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications-data/surveillance-COVID-19-long-term-care-facilities-EU-EEA

⋅4∙ https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications-data/guidance-medically-and-socially-vulnerable-populations-covid-19

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