Answer given by Ms Ferreira on behalf of the European Commission
(21 April 2022)
1. Based on the latest information provided by the Managing Authority, no operations related to regional urban centres included in the Regional Operational Programme Calabria 2014-2020 were completed to date. For more details on individual projects, we invite the Honourable Member to contact the authorities of the Calabria Region (2), responsible for the selection and implementation of individual projects under the principle of shared management.
2. Through the programme amendment approved in November 2020, in the context of the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative (CRII), funding for the strategy for smaller urban centres was entirely reassigned to other priorities. The Managing Authority has indicated that the strategy will be funded through national resources.
3. Certified expenditure up to end 2021 on the sustainable urban development strategy amount to EUR 3.17 million. As part of the ongoing regular monitoring exercise, the Commission is closely assessing the programme implementation together with the Managing Authority to reduce the risks of decommitment of programme resources. At the moment, the Commission cannot make a prediction whether the original resources for sustainable urban development will be entirely spent.
⋅2∙ Managing Authority of the Calabria Regional Operational Programme:
[email protected]