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The Catalan Government is isolating the official and common language of Spain in Catalan universities

Question écrite de Mme Dolors MONTSERRAT - Commission européenne

Question de Mme Dolors MONTSERRAT,

Diffusée le 27 septembre 2023

Subject: The Catalan Government is isolating the official and common language of Spain in Catalan universities

The Catalan Government is leaving Castilian – the official and common language of Spain – out in the cold in Catalan universities. They have mounted a campaign entitled ‘Si te cambian la lengua, no te cortes’ (‘If they change your language, speak up about it’) which encourages people to identify and inform on lecturers or students who assert their right to learn or give classes in Spanish.

As part of this campaign, letterboxes have been installed in universities so that people can anonymously inform on lecturers who use Spanish or students who assert their right to be taught in the language.

The Catalan Government requires universities, at the start of a course, to publicly specify the language in which classes are to be taught. There can be no changes after this, even if a student makes a request. This campaign of harassment against Spanish breaches Article 3(1) and Article 20 of the Spanish Constitution.

1. Does the Commission take the view that this campaign respects both people’s right to use the official language of Spain and the academic freedom of students and lecturers at Catalan universities?

2. Is the Commission intending to urge the Member States to defend academic freedom and the freedom to study at university in the official language of each country?

Submitted: 28.9.2023

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 12 décembre 2023

Answer given by Ms Ivanova on behalf of the European Commission

(13 December 2023)

Respect for cultural and linguistic diversity is one of the fundamental principles of the EU, as per Article 3(3) of the Treaty on European Union and Article 22 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (1) (the ‘Charter’).

Academic freedom is enshrined in Article 13 of the Charter. According to Article 51(1) of the Charter, its provisions are addressed to Member States only when they implement EU law.

The matter referred to in this case does not appear to be related to the implementation of EU law. In such cases, it is for Member States to ensure that fundamental rights are effectively respected and protected in accordance with their national legislation and international human rights obligations.

Higher education is a primary competence of the Member States. According to Article 165(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Member States are fully responsible for the content of teaching and organisation of their education systems, as well as their cultural and linguistic diversity. The role of the EU is mainly a supporting and coordinating one.

Promoting fundamental academic values is central to European higher education policies, both at the level of the EU and within the European Higher Education Area (Bologna process).

This is for example reflected in the European strategy for universities (2), adopted by the Commission in January 2022, where an important dimension is to promote and protect European democratic values.

1 ∙ ⸱ https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:12012P/TXT

2 ∙ ⸱ https://education.ec.europa.eu/document/commission-communication-on-a-european-strategy-for-universities

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