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The role of design in European industrial policy

Question écrite de Mme Inma RODRÍGUEZ-PIÑERO - Commission européenne

Question de Mme Inma RODRÍGUEZ-PIÑERO,

Diffusée le 24 janvier 2018

Subject: The role of design in European industrial policy

In October 2012, the Commission published an update of its communication on industrial policy, in which it stressed ‘the role of design in innovation’ as ‘one of the key factors in the development of high-value products’ and in ‘increasing productivity’. The Commission also undertook to draw up an action plan to speed up the mainstreaming of design within innovation policy. Further, in 2013, the Commission published a working document on the implementation of that action plan, in which it pointed out that ‘design [...] plays a key role in [...] the third industrial revolution’. Along similar lines, in the debate on the State of the Union, Jean-Claude Juncker highlighted the importance of advocating a new industrial policy strategy that would help European industry become a leader in the field of innovation.

Given that the Commission believes that design plays a vital role in driving innovation and industrial development in Europe:

1. What is the state of play with regard to the implementation of the action plan the Commission undertook to draw up in 2012?

2. How is the Commission intending to incorporate design into the new industrial policy strategy?

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 9 avril 2018

Answer given by Ms Bieńkowska on behalf of the Commission

(10 April 2018)

The Commission has undertaken a number of actions to implement the action plan for design-driven innovation, inter alia the establishment of the Design for Europe platform and the ongoing support project Design for Enterprises. However, matching actions are needed at national and regional levels to boost design in driving innovation and renewal.

In the context of the renewed EU Industrial Policy Strategy (1), the Commission is taking action to facilitate the integration of design with cutting-edge technology to generate new products, new industrial value chains and revitalise traditional industries.

⋅1∙ ‘The Commission is supporting the creation of incubation networks for creativity-driven innovation and partnerships (among creative people, traditional

manufacturing, IT and science) through COSME, the Creative Europe programme and its Cultural and Creative Sector Guarantee Facility Fund, the European Fund for Strategic Investments and the Structural Funds. The Commission will take steps to strengthen links and coherence among these different instruments’. COM(2017) 479 final.

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