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Timely response to mental health issues

Question écrite de M. Athanasios KONSTANTINOU - Commission européenne

Question de M. Athanasios KONSTANTINOU,

Diffusée le 21 mars 2023

Subject: Timely response to mental health issues

Failure to address mental health problems has a major impact on those affected, as well as their families and communities. This is illustrated by the increasing number of crimes being committed, mainly against women, by people in their immediate circle who were regarded by those around them as being above suspicion until they committed their abhorrent acts.

It is therefore necessary to prioritise mental health as a key element of public health policy and work to address existing gaps.

In view of this:

Can the Commission say what measures are being taken to promote early diagnosis and treatment for people with psychiatric disorders, and how they are being incorporated into primary health systems throughout the European Union?

Submitted: 22.3.2023

Réponse - Commission européenne

Diffusée le 31 mai 2023

Answer given by Ms Kyriakides on behalf of the European Commission

(1 June 2023)

Mental health is a key Commission priority. Many actions have already been developed and implemented over recent years (1).

The Commission is currently preparing a communication on a comprehensive approach to mental health. This will support and complement action at Member State and regional level, in areas such as mental health promotion, prevention of ill-mental health, early detection and screening, psychosocial risks at work, access to treatment and care, and quality of life for patients and their families.

Mental health services and care including early diagnosis and treatment are the responsibility of the Member States.

The Commission supports the Member States in the identification and transfer of promising and best practices. Examples are the Joint Action ‘ImpleMENTAL’ (2), Let’s talk about children (3) and Ice hearts (4), in which Member States are working together to roll out best practices on mental health.

1 ∙ ⸱ https://health.ec.europa.eu/non-communicable-diseases/mental-health_en

2 ∙ ⸱ https://ja-implemental.eu/

3 ∙ ⸱ https://mieli.fi/en/mielis-projects/lets-talk-about-children-in-europe/

4 ∙ ⸱ https://eurohealthnet.eu/publication/icehearts-europe-preventing-social-exclusion-enhancing-social-skills-and-promoting-the-wellbeing-of-vulnerable-children/

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